Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Parenting Book Recommendation

Our new church building is almost ready for us. If everything stays on schedule we should be having our first services in April. It has been a long process. Our family has been attending Horizons for 8 years, back then we didn't have a band, we had one pastor and only one service. The church has come a long way in 8 years and with a building of our own we will have so many more opportunities. It will be exciting to finally walk through the doors. Tomorrow I'm going to meet the children's pastor at the building to discuss what furnishings we need to purchase.
This letter I wanted to briefly share with you a series of books that I found helpful as a young mom. The books are titled Your(fill in age)Year Old and are written by Louise Bates Ames and Frances L. IIg. The first book is entitled Your One Year Old:The fun loving, fussy 12 to 24 month old. I'm not sure at what age the series ends. As my oldest was closing in on another birthday or soon after his birthday I would pick up the book from the library. I never truly read one of the books from cover to cover, but would skim through them. The part I was most interested in was the descriptions of typical behavior for that age. For instance when my son was three and started being afraid of everything, I knew from my reading that this is very normal behavior for a three year old; as unique as each child is there are still behaviors that for the most part are typical for all children that age. Knowing little bits of information about child behavior was very helpful to me. I would tell my husband "The book said this would happen." I wasn't as bewilder by my first child's behaviors.
The books in paperback cost under $10 on Amazon, The library system in Stafford/Fredericksburg also has them, I believe they are on the parenting shelf in the children's section.
The Mom Like You website is coming. We want to have a large quantity of information for young moms on the site before we starting inviting people to visit. If you have a few minutes I would love to hear from you. We are looking for easy recipes, recommended reading of any interest to young moms, websites or ideas of things you would like us to include on the website.
Blessings to All,
PS. If you have a topic in future letters you would me to cover, please let me know.


Shanda said...

Thanks for this recommendation.

There is also a great website ( that you can sign into for free when you are pregnant and it will tell you how and what is developing throughout your pregnancy week by week and it carries you all the way up to Kindergarten. You sign up and they send the updates of each stage directly to your e-mail.

There are articles to read about potential issues at each stage, games that you can play with your child at each stage to encourage development, etc. I have found it very helpful along the way!

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